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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  October 8, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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good afternoon. i'm pat lawson muse. >> and i'm jim handly. we'll have more on the forecast in just a bit. but first some breaking news out of fairfax county. an emotional scene this afternoon at a park where friends, family and volunteers have been searching for a missing teenager. his name is bryan glenn. this afternoon a body has been found in the woods there. not far from where glenn's car was found last week. the high school student disappeared one week ago after dropping his brother off at school. police are not saying if the body is indeed glenn. we'll have more on this story throughout the evening. it was time to break out the scarves and jasts ckets on this chilly columbus day. storm team 4 chief meteorologist doug kammerer joins us now with more on our chilly forecast. >> chilly, almost an
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understatement here. here we are in the middle to early october. very cold numbers. 54 degrees. plenty of clouds, and even shower activity, even around the district. winds out of the northeast at 8 miles per hour now. take a look at the numbers around the rest of the area. 44 in martinsburg. and 52 down towards fredericksburg. temperatures right now 15 to 20 degrees below average. and we're going to be even colder tonight. look at the rain coming across the region. most of this has been on the light side. it's been per per sis tant along the corridor. over the next couple of hours, expect the temperatures to come down and expect more rain to come down, too. my complete forecast in just a few minutes. the next time you ride metro, you might encounter new
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controversial ads promoting israel. they initially refused to post them but a judge is now giving metro until 5:00 tonight to put them up. here's the reaction from the riders. >> seems pretty zionist. >> reporter: it's only 18 words, but its message, powerful enough to cause many riders of the metro and residents of the district to speak out. against it. >> everyone has an opinion. i don't have to agree with it. and i don't. >> reporter: pamela geller of the freedom initiative, saying it's accurate. adding that the acts of jihad are savage. >> this country's built on the first amendment. >> reporter: a district court judge sided with the american freedom law center after it filed suit against washington metro transit because they requested a delay in putting the posters up.
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>> i don't think it's speech if they're trying to advertise. >> reporter: by 5:00 p.m. the posters will be put up at the metro station at takoma park and glenmont. geller already has successfully placed the posters on trains in new york city and buses in san francisco. we reached out to a metro spokesperson. he declined to comment at this time saying the posters were already causing enough controversy. news4. the number of people sickened by a deadly meningitis outbreak continues to rise. the centers for disease control said there are 105 reported cases in nine states, eight deaths have been blamed on the outbreak, two happened in maryland and virginia. health officials have tied the fungal meningitis outbreak to steroid shots for back pain. those shots were made by a specialty pharmacy in massachusetts. >> cautiously optimistic that many of the efforts to reach
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patients and clinicians with information about this outbreak are succeeding. >> the pharmacy has recalled all of its products as a precaution. the government last week urged doctors not to use any of those products on patients. tomorrow is sentencing day for former penn state football coach jerry sandusky and no one will speak on his behalf, that's according to sandusky's attorneys. he has several letters written on his behalf that will be written to the judge. sandusky has been asked to be placed in the general population to serve his sentence. he was convicted earlier this year of sexually abusing boys he met through a charity for at-risk children. he could receive life in prison. mitt romney is campaigning in battleground virginia today. a speech at virginia military institute he said it's time to change the course in middle
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east. steve handelsman is live on capitol hill with more on this story. >> reporter: hi, pat, thanks. down at vmi today, romney said particularly in the case of the conflict involving the israelis, arabs and iran, that only with a new president would we get the chance he says we need to start over. at virginia military institute -- >> it's time to change the course in the month. >> reporter: mitt romney claimed president obama made a mistake in pulling back overseas. >> our friends and allies across the globe don't want less american leadership, they want more. >> reporter: that goes, said romney, for the muslim world, from libya to syria to iran. he suggested obama policies in libya let al qaeda get strong enough to kill our ambassador. in syria, romney would get the rebels heavy weapons, despite the administration's fear they'll end up in the hands of al qaeda. and romney claimed he'd be tougher on iran about nuclear
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weapons. >> this is a dangerous situation. >> reporter: romney said president obama's making it more dangerous by resisting israeli prime minister netanyahu, aapparently willingness to attack iranian nuke plants. >> i know the president hopes for a safer, freer, middle east, i share this hope. but hope is not a strategy. >> reporter: romney's remarks, said one expert, are not a strategy. >> he tried to sound very tough in his critique of barack obama today. however, those are mostly rhetorical differences on some of those key foreign policy issues as opposed to actual new tough policies. >> reporter: the president fired back in an ad to run in virginia. >> reckless, amateurish, vaes what news media and fellow republicans stance. >> reporter: president obama ignored mitt romney's speech.
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>> reporter: mad elaine called it shallow and out of date. there have been ups and downs with the start of postseason play for local baseball fans, starting with the nationals. they take the mound later this afternoon in st. louis. they're hoping to go up two games in their series against the cardinals. tyler moore became yesterday's surprise hero in game one. hitting the tying and winning runs. the nats went on to beat the defending world series champs 3-2. the nats will be back in town in washington for game three of their national league division series on wednesday. there will be extensive street closures before, during and after the game. you can find a complete list on our website just search nationals. baltimore fans are hoping for some redemption tonight in their first play-off game. they fell to the yankees after a rain delay, and a very close
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game. news4's carol maloney has a preview of game two. >> reporter: hello from camden yard in baltimore. game one here last night, the os versus the yankees. a tied game going into the ninth inning. but new york forced five runs in the final inning and win the game 7-2 to game a one game to none lead in the lads. birds are still hopeful despite the crazy coincidence. the last time the orioles were in the play-offs 15 years ago, they were knocked out of that series by andy petit and the yankees. and guess who's on the mound tonight for the yankees, andy pettitte. he only happens to be the winningest pitcher in postseason history. the birds are going with a lefty who is also a rookie and has no play-off postseason experience. just like last night for the
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nationals, the birds hope a rookie comes through for them. in solution, it was tyler moore's term to shine, moore with the clutch hit in the eighth inning. the nats take game one. dan hellie is there and we'll have so much more for you coming up on news4 at 5:00 and 6:00. hope to see you guys then. >> all righty. washington quarterback robert griffin iii is meeting with a neurosurgeon this evening following his concussion in yesterday's game. rg3 went down in the third quarter and stayed down for several moments. he tweeted after the game that he hoped to play next sunday. but head coach mike shanahan said it all depends on the test results. >> he's feeling good. no dizziness, no headaches. no vomiting. he feels like he's done well on the tests that he's taken thus far, after talking about it with robert. if you slide a little bit quicker you can protect
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yourself. we tell him how valuable he is to our football team. you're constantly learn as time goes on. >> shanahan said if all goes well, rg3 will do a cardio workout tomorrow. >> good signs today, tough to watch that replay. >> it is. looked like it hurt. >> yeah. we're going to have much more on that on news4 at 5:00. the traditional columbus day celebration outside union station is something special this year. >> this is the 100th anniversary of the statue honoring christopher columbus. a u.s. military band played. groups are calling for the historic statue and fountain to be restored. the traffic circle itself is already going through a rehabilitation project to make it easier to use for drivers and pedestrians. we're just getting started. wild wedding brawl and it's all caught on camera, as guests question police actions, and there could be more arrests. the one community debating a
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complete ban of youth football. also ahead, actor ben affleck leaves a note after hitting a parked car. we have the picture to prove it. billy bush is here with
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is there a pop star flu going around? >> one wonders. another mega star got sick onstage at a concert. this time it was lady gaga.
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this video is circulating around the internet today. gaga was performing over the weekend in barcelona when she was suddenly overcome and threw up onstage. she kept on performing. she later poked fun at herself and on twitter she said she was praying no one saw this. but she said it's a good laugh if anyone needs it. the same thing happened to justin bieber last week. gaga was well enough to be in london for the launch of her new perfume. the pop diva arrived in a horse carriage to the delight of her fans. they lined the entrance to herrod's department store. that's what she looks like. the new fragrance is called lady gaga fame. lady gaga's parents barely got a passing grade from health inspectors at their restaurant. the new york city health department said there are major hygiene and cleanliness problems at their jo ann's restaurant.
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they gave it a grade pending status, the egive lent to a c. they found unwashed food prep services, no hand washing facilities near the kitchen and food placed in areas ripe for contamination. the store manager said they will dispute that grade in court. once inseparable hollywood couple is separating. what arnold schwarzenegger is saying about his boys. how would you like to be the driver who got a hand-written note from ben affleck. billy bush is out in l.a. billy, ben slipped a note on the windshield of another driver's vehicle. unfortunately it's because he hit the guy's car. >> yeah. i'm sorry, i'm still trying to get over lady gaga's restaurant. >> don't go there. >> oh, dear. it's just -- okay. yeah, ben, everything's going right for him. he's written, produced, directed, acting in the
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fantastic argo, getting a lot of oscar buzz. over the weekend, however, he was backing his car out of a parking space and he dinged another guy's front mirror, knocked it off. but being the great ben, he left a note saying, hey, listen, sorry, knocked off your mirror, will cover everything, ben. now, what i would have left a note that said, terribly sorry about the mirror, hope you have good insurance, you'll handle it. jim handly. >> yeah. thanks a lot. >> or anybody else. >> ben can afford it much more. >> billy, danny devito and rita pearlman have been married for 30 years. they were thought to be inseparable. what happened? >> well, i don't know. but it reminds me of the joke my father told me about old mrs. goldberg who goes to court, and she goes to divorce court she's 85 years old, and says to the judge, i want a divorce from my husband. he said, how long have you been married to solly? she said, 62 years.
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62 years? why after all that time? enough is enough. who knows. maybe ria hit that point, too. you thought forever, these two. danny devito, will he get on i don't know the ins and outs of the whole thing. but it is sad. we had danny here recently and he said the key to a successful marriage and it sounded believable to me. >> that is so sad. >> that is sad. like father not like son, according to around schwarzenegger. what's this all about? >> yeah, the "meet the press" interview with david gregory was a good one. he said given everything that's disclosed here and everything we all now know, what do you tell your sons in hopes that they become, you know, good men? what's the advice to them? and he says, look, around said i'm not concerned about my sons, i think they've seen my accomplishments and they'll be fine and are proud of me, and i've had my failures. but their mother has been great. they'll be okay.
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i don't know about you, jim, but i kind of basically am copying everything my dad did, and i think it's a taller order there. >> they're supposed to be role models. you're exactly right, billy bush. >> apples and trees. >> what do you have tonight, billy? >> jenny mccarthy. we know she's filterless. but she tells a story, and puts herself in this situation. absolutely no money, spring break, in college, heading down to florida, goes into a truck stop, no money, needs $20. she says she did something that is the worst thing she's ever done to get the $20. now, you let that percolate in your mind. it's all -- actually, she told the story about what she left out what she did in her book. i hammer away at her tonight on "access hollywood" to get the story. i think you'll be shocked, even from jenny. >> oh, we're tuning in tonight, 7:30. thanks, billy. >> that's a tease. >> it is, indeed.
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>> thanks, billy. turning now to the weather. we're supposed to have a smoother transition. >> what do you mean? you don't want to go from 90 to 95 to 50s? >> no. >> yeah, somebody said that today on my twitter feed. what happened to fall? that's exactly right. here we are at 54 degrees, that's the average temperature, what we would normally see in november and december. and we're seeing that in early october. how about this day, plenty of cloud cover out there right now. we've seen showers and man is it chilly. 54 degrees. winds out of the east at 8 miles per hour. once again, if this was the middle of december or january, you're looking at 54. you're going, that's a pretty nice day. temperatures running 15 to 20 degrees below average. it's been in the 40s all day back to the west 43 in petersburg, 43 in winchester, 48 in gatithersburg and leesburg.
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that rain has kept the temperatures down. we've seen a little bit of snow back into the mountains, believe it or not. we're talking the highest elevations, but still, snow in early october, you don't get that very often. right now, the heaviest showers are going to stay out along i-81, especially to the west of the blue ridge. to the east of the blue ridge, through northern virginia, showers along 95, down through southern maryland, seeing shower activity there. this will be light for the most part. maybe moderate showers. most of this will be very light. so the good thing is, you want to make sure you have the umbrella, as well as your jacket. because temperatures are not going anywhere but down over the next couple of hours. we'll see more showers continuing to make their way through here, as a storm sysm makes its way across the area. thunderstorms with this down to the south. we have a little bit of instability well south. but for us, it's just cold with the showers. our area of low pressure moves
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up the coast. cool temperatures tomorrow. maybe about five degrees warmer than we've been today. but still rather cool. the showers tomorrow stay well down to the south and east. tomorrow i think just cloud cover. but could be some rather drizzly conditions early in the morning. on wednesday, ahead of another cold front. wednesday may just be the best day of the week. this evening, cloudy, chilly, scattered showers, most of them will be on the light side. temperatures 43 to 49 degrees. so make sure you have the jacket or coat. tomorrow morning, cloudy and cold, damp with fog. temperatures 38 to about 45 degrees. as we move on through the next couple of days, we'll see the numbers go up to 58 tomorrow, 69 on wednesday, but back down to 67 on friday. i'll continue into the weekend in just a few minutes. jay-z offers commuters a big surprise. a look back at the drama that went down during the real housewives of new jersey reunion last night. >> the unusual encounter with an
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animal that sen
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this is 15 minutes of fame. >> i know that. >> you're going to wake up one day and be alone. listen to me. >> i'm not going to be alone. i have family. >> this is your family. >> look what they're doing to me. >> and look what they're doing to them. >> they were getting cuddly last night, once again bringing the drama on bravo in the reunion show. teresa in the hot seat. things got testy. there was a lot of finger pointing going on. this is part two of a three-part reunion special. who knows what's coming up next week from the ladies. >> now, now. forget the limo, jay-z arrived in a concert in new york city by a subway. other surprised riders snapped up pictures.
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he got on the brooklyn "r" train saturday night, took it to the new york city barclays center where he performed the last of eight concerts. >> a big bodyguard with him. despite being panned by the critics. >> the action sequel doubled what the movie first made in 2009. actor liam neeson. "pitch perfect" moved up to third place. sony's sci-fi thriller to number four, and "frankenweenie" was number five.
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the makers of those red bull energy drinks is about to do something it's never done before. for the first time the drinks will be coming in three fruity flavors. >> kron berry, lime, blueberry. they'll be sold in red, silver and blue cans. they're expected to hit store shelves in march. still to come on news4 at 4:00, a fight in a hotel between two wedding parties, now guests are calling police actions into question. and the big march. let me tell you how i will create 12 million jobs
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when president obama couldn't.
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first, my energy independence policy means more than three million new jobs. many of them in manufacturing. my tax reform plan to lower rates for the middle class and for small business creates seven million more. and expanding trade, cracking down on china, and improving job training takes us to over 12 million new jobs. i'm mitt romney, and i approve this message.
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welcome back, everybody, at 4:30. i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse. ads by the pro-israeli american freedom defense initiative refers to savage attacks by jihadists. a judge ruled they have to be posted by 5:00. mitt romney's campaigning in virginia again today, during a major foreign policy address for military institute. he said the middle east has become more dangerous since president obama took office.
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the president's re-election team lodged a response. but the president ignored the speech during a visit to california. the death toll continues to climb from a meningitis outbreak. the cdc said there are 105 confirmed cases of meningitis. eight people are dead, two of those happened in maryland and virginia. the outbreak was linked to steroid shots sold by a pharmacy in massachusetts. on wall street, traders ended a three-day winning streak, the dow dropping 26 points, the nasdaq down about 23, and the s&p 500 was off five points. some say fear about corporate earnings sparked the sell-off. fall weather, cool weather, a taste of winter today. let's get another check on our weather with chief meteorologist doug kammerer. >> this is one of the reasons why, you can see the cloud cover, the showers streaming across parts of the region, too. we are going to continue to see the cold air. we're also going to see more in the waive of shower activity.
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it will be on the light side. the umbrellas will be needed. very cool conditions. look at the temperatures. only 41 in elkins, west virginia. many areas in the upper 30s. hot springs, virginia, 36 degrees right now. 45 at hagerstown. 48 in pittsburgh. there's even been snow back in parts of the mountains. i got a tweet about sleet back in some of the higher elevations, too. yeah, are we moving toward winter a little fast? well, maybe. but don't think we'll stay there for long. the updated forecast in just a minute. things got ugly. a video of a drunken brawl between wedding parties inside a posh philadelphia hotel is making waves on the internet today. it shows police using a lot of force to get the crowd under control. >> katy zachary has more on what happened. how it turned to tragedy for one family involved. >> reporter: it's not how any bride wants to remember her
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wedding night. a philadelphia police said this is exactly how the night ended for two newly married couples when their guests got into a melee early sunday morning. it was recorded by one young hotel guest on his camera phone. >> it just started punching each other and hitting each other. the police came in. and started clubbing people. >> reporter: 15-year-old max schultz witnessed the chaos from the second floor. he and his family were here from harrisburg celebrating his birthday. >> complete bedlam. people purging, cops coming in trying to restrain people. >> it was unbelievable. the noise level was so high. and disturbing. >> reporter: police say initially members of one wedding party were fighting. then as another wedding party arrived back to the hotel, officers say someone was hit and fighting between the two groups ensued. at the height of it, officers estimate 100 people, many of them drunk, were fighting. >> they were bringing in a stretcher.
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there wasn't anybody on the stretcher. >> reporter: what's more distressing than anything, one wedding guest had a heart attack. he died at a local hospital. relatives tell us he was an uncle to one of the brides and that he was not part of the fight. >> it's an unfortunate situation that nobody could see coming. >> so unfortunate, isn't it? unbelievable. in the end, police arrested one guest for assaulting a police officer, two other guests were cited for disorderly conduct. for the first time, the man behind one of today's biggest fund-raising efforts is talking about his very public breakdown. jason russell is the creator of the charity invisible children, and he's the director of kony 2012. they are both campaigns against ugandan leader and forcing people into a militant movement. after the release of the film, he was caught like this, on camera in the middle of a
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street having a breakdown. naked and pacing on a san diego street corner. this morning, in a very candid interview with the "today" show, he said he was overwhelmed with the film's overnight success. >> my mind couldn't stop thinking about the future. i literally thought i was responsible for the future of humanity. and there was a moment where, click, i was not in control of my mind or my body. >> russell also told "today" that he's hard at work on his next project, another movie, and a march in washington november 17th. the rocket space x is now on its way to the international space station. it took off last night from cape canaveral in florida. it's scheduled to arrive at the space station tomorrow. once it arrives, it will unload more than 1,000 pounds of cargo and supplies. this unmanned mission is the first official resupply mission for space x. a test mission was conducted back in may.
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more to come on news4 at 4:00. big changes tonight on "the voice." carson daily explains the new twist on the battlegrounds. the first of its kind fashion week b
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drivers in california are feeling it, as gas prices hit a new record for the third day in a row. prices jumped slightly more than
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a cent overnight to 4.06 a gallon for regular. that's 50 cents higher than a week ago. 86 cents higher above last year at this time. prices have soared in recent days because of the refinery and pipeline problems there. the national average, by the way, $3.81. locally our prices are holding fairly steady. aaa reports the average is 3.87 nds the district, and maryland, $3.70, virginia paying $3.60 a gallon for regular. it took nearly two months, but a british man has finally finished his swim in south dakota to missouri. dave kortwait began the swim august 10th, and sam more than 1,000 miles down the missouri and mississippi rivers. he was accompanied by a team of canoes and paddle boards. they arrived under the st. louis arch on monday. he said he didn't even know how to swim when he started the journey. it raised $10,000 for breast
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cancer. it's time for the highly anticipated battlegrounds on nbc's hit show "the voice." this year we've got a new twist. ♪ the coaches will put two of their own team members against each other for a dueling duet. after the singoff, each coach must pick who stays and who has to go. but new this year is something called the steal. that allows other coaches to snatch up losing artists, and give them a second shot. >> it really just raised the bar of excitement for the battle rounds that brought the chairs much back into play. it brought the power shifting back. people are smacking buttons. the audience is going crazy. it has this gladiator feel to it. it's been completely
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reenergized. >> i'm liking this steal. somebody has a bad night. they deserve a second shot. >> yeah. >> should be exciting. audiences in paris are buzzing about black fashion week, the first time the city has hosted such an event. it kicked off today with a fashion show that featured collections by 15 designers from africa. the event was organized by a french designer who was born in senegal. she said african designers are often underrepresented in the fashion world and she wanted to bring their talents and their achievements to a global audience. the show heads to montreal next month, and then to brazil in march. when we come right back, a liquor store customer comes to the rescue of a clerk after an out-of-control truck kraeshs right into the store. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account
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and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. it's still early october, but as you can see, some folks are already hitting the slopes. the ski run is coated with 24 inches of the white stuff. thanks to machines. not mother nature. and while minnesota is a popular ski area, this is one of the earliest openings for that region. kind of weird to see a water ride in the background, though. >> yeah. >> it's not frozen.
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>> that closed down last thursday. so the waterslide closed down on thursday and they opened the ski resorts today. look how small that is. that is the smallest ski area ever. but if you want to get your practice in -- >> it's a ski oasis. >> exactly. >> welcome back from florida, by the way, buddy. you saw white sand for a week. >> florida is beautiful. good stuff. and i came back and i knew it was going to get cold last week when i left. of course, i had the shorts, the sandals and told the kids to have their jackets because when we come back it's going to be cold. it's been much colder. 80 degrees on saturday. today, most of us are struggling to hit 50 degrees. very cold air, very similar to what we saw out there during the day yesterday. right now we're dealing with more clouds and yes, that temperature, that has been holding in the low to mid-50s for the area around the metro
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region. temperature rye night now sittit 54 degrees. the winds are going to be a factor during the day tomorrow. i think 10 to 15-mile-an-hour winds tomorrow will make temperatures in the mid-50s feel even cooler. tomorrow will be a fairliy chilly day. 48 in gaithersburg, 49 in rockville, 52 in fort belvoir, so very chilly. when you add in the showers, especially back toward the west, that's where most of them have been today. that makes for a very raw afternoon, a very raw morning, too. some areas, this is the first time, see these pink colors here? that normally denotes precipitation whether it be sleet, rain or freezing snow, and in this case we've seen light sleet and light snow in the higher elevations. we're seeing showers in through prince george's county, sweetland parkway, down i-95, and back to the west. this has been persistent pretty
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much all day. not a very nice day for you folks around the shepherd's down area. look at the overnight lows. 38 in martinsburg, 37 in hagerstown, 45 in washington, and 42 in la plata. by tomorrow morning those should be out of here. but we could deal with drizzle and fog tomorrow morning. 58 for a high tomorrow. 53 in martinsburg. 60 down towards fredericksburg. going up to 69 on your wednesday. this weekend, looking dry, and warmer. not bad at all. redskins quarterback robert griffin iii suffered a mild concussion, as you know, yesterday, when he was hit in the helmet. football's always been a game of hard knocks, but as stephanie goss reports now, there is growing concern whether the sport is too dangerous for young kids to play. >> reporter: for many americans, the high school football season is the best part of the year.
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>> i like playing football. >> my favorite sport. >> reporter: but that fun comes at too high a price as new hampshire dr. butler, a retired physician, the father of three who now sits on the dover school board, wants to shut down the high school football program, for good. he believes the risk of concussions and long-term brain injuries to young players is too high. >> i think it's bad to take this away. i certainly do. but i think it's worse to let it continue. i think it's dangerous. >> reporter: not surprisingly a controversial call. >> i think it's overly radical and not supported by medical evidence. >> reporter: the school board released a statement saying dr. butler's opinion is his own. and that the termination of the dhs football program has not come before the board and is not on any agenda at this time. still, parents were quick to speak out. >> the backing is there. you know? jim mcmann just came oit and said he's suffering from dementia. >> if you're going to look at sports in general, look at them
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all, hockey, lacrosse. you can't just pick football. >> reporter: but concussions are serious, particularly in kids. >> the younger the brain is, the more vulnerable to brain trauma. >> reporter: among children and adolescents, emergency room visits for sports related brain injuries including concussions have gone up 60% in ten years. for boys, the rates are highest in football. >> from the nfl, all the way down to pop warner youth football, unprecedented steps have been taken in the last several years to make the game safer. >> reporter: more than half of the states in america, including new hampshire, have concussion laws to protect student athletes. at eastern tech in maryland, players take brain function tests to determine if and when they can play after an injury. >> how severe my injury is, it will tell me how long i have to get back. >> reporter: banning football altogether may be extreme, but butler's proposal has triggered a passionate debate forcing the
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country to take a difficult look at one of its cherished pasttimes. >> tough calls there. >> mm-hmm. still to come on news4, the unusual encounter that forced this man to hide in a tree. and what could be the largest gathering of the living dead ever. i'm wendy rieger. coming up at 5:00, we'll have the latest on a body found near fear fax teenager's car. also at 5:00, we're there as the owners reunite with an injured puppy who ran away. and why potentially dangerous baby products are still on the store shelves. chris cooley will join us in the studio with his reaction to the injury of rg3. we are also going to look at how the nats are performing in the play-offs.
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it's official, the u.s. is still the zombie champion. >> over the weekend a group in england made a run for the record of the largest gathering of the living dead. unfortunately for them, luckily for us, they came up about 2600 zombies short. various u.s. groups have held the record for the past four years. right now, it's held by asbury
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park, new jersey, where two years ago this month they won. a man trying to stay away from an angry stag. the man had to climb a tree to get away from the animal. that was trying to attack. this all happened thursday in a park. somebody caught the whole thing on camera. onlookers saw exactly what happened and they eventually called police. apparently it's mating season, which is making some of these stags a little more aggressive than usual. >> those are some mean looking animals there. >> look out. caught on tape, dramatic video showing the moments a
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. surveillance cameras recorded the scene as a truck lands in a liquor store, barely missing a clerk and a customer. the clerk is still in the hospital recovering from friday's crash. the customer describes the move that cameras didn't catch. >> reporter: the owner of this store was behind the register, helping customers with his back to the front of the store. then the impact. the entire force of an out-of-control pickup truck came through the storefront, shattering glass and liquor bottles, sending shelves crashing down. >> it was just insane. >> reporter: the customer at the register who only gave his first name had to help the owner who
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became pinned between the shelves and his counter. >> reached in my pocket to give the money and the next thing i know i'm flying backwards and the truck's in the store. >> reporter: the store recorded video of the truck, witnesses said the driver had a passenger with him. >> their eyes were huge, like what just happened. >> reporter: after the crash, the outside camera stops recording. what you don't see, witnesses say, is the truck backing out and leaving. >> just peeled right out. >> reporter: today a store clerk said the shop owner is still in the hospital. remarkably he only had minor injuries, according to chp, and look just how close he came to getting hit. this is where they boarded up that storefront. two feet away is where the cash register was. they used the license plate number and vehicle description to locate 43-year-old robert wayne ring who they say was under the influence. the driver is charged with dui and felony hit-and-run. next at 5:00, falling, fall
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temperatures. new developments tonight as the fairfax community searches for a missing high school student. there's more controversy over metro, as new anti-muslim signs went up today. baby products labeled dangerous, even recalled, are still on store shelves. liz crenshaw investigates what parents need to know. good evening, of course. i'm jim handly. >> and i'm wendy rieger. it's time to break out the long sleeves and get out the jacket and turn on the heat tonight. it only got in the 50s today. people were prepared walking around town in their heavier garments. chief meteorologist doug kammerer joins us. and is it here to stay? >> it is not here to stay, wendy. and everybody can go, whew, thank goodness. we're talking about extremely cold numbers. average high temperature today, 71 degrees. right now, as you can see,


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